A bottle share party is a party in which every person has to bring a bottle of beer. This enhances the friendliness among all the beer lovers. Also, they get to taste different beers. Every person has to bring two, five, or ten bottles of beers. It is a very famous gathering among those who love beer. Some beer lovers also take festbier when it is seasonally released. They plan their bottle share beer party now and then with their closest friends. There are some people who more often go to this party arranged by friends and friends of friends.
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However, some people are not familiar with this type of gathering. Those who are not accustomed to such gatherings find it difficult to be a part of them. But, if we make things easier for you then you must go and enjoy it. How will we do that? We are going to explain to you the basic etiquettes of the bottle share party. Reading this article will make me confident enough to go to this party. This new experience will be so thrilling and you will want to go again and again. Besides, people will get impressed by your good manners. So, for your ease let’s start it.
1. Bring a great beer
Mostly, every party has a theme. Some parties have themes like whales, stouts, big beers, Belgians, and so on. Whatever the theme is take a great beer with you to share. If you have some spare beers at home which you bought about two months ago. Do not think about taking them. Buy a good beer at a reasonable price. Try to buy the best liqueurs online to get rid of the tension of taking the time and buying a beer.
Moreover, people think that it is a good option to bring a rare beer with you. Try to bring such a beer which everyone can drink easily. Do not try to take an oddly tasting beer because that will make you the odd one out. You are going to a gathering to try to mix with the people to have more fun. This will save you from embarrassment as well.
2. Take your own glass
Ask your host if he/she has arranged glasses or not. This is not considered rude. Rather this is a general courtesy. Moreover, if you do not like to use the glass of every place you can still take your glass with you. Taking your own glass with you is a general courtesy. This will be helpful for your host.
3. Bring enough quantity of beer
How much quantity of beer you must bring? This is the very basic question which pops up into your mind after you have decided to attend the party. This depends on the strength of the people who are coming to the party. To make everything clear, you must ask the host to let you know about the number of people who are coming. This estimation will make you able to think about the number of bottles you need to bring.
Generally, for a gathering of 5 to 6 people, one bottle of beer is enough. Some people bring two or three as well. However, you must bring enough beer just in case you might need them. Due to some reasons, if you have brought just a 12- ounce beer then try not to overindulge. This will make a false impression. Moreover, if you have brought more beers then that does not mean you should open them all. Leave this decision to the host. Don’t brag about bringing enough beer. Furthermore, if there are some leftover bottles then leave them for the host as a gift for arranging the party.
There is another thing you must keep in mind if you have to travel a long way to the party then try to put the beer bottles in a cooler. This will make them chilled and everyone will love to drink a chilled one.
4. Opening of a bottle
When there are fewer people in the party than the host usually sets an order to open the beer. However, when there are lots of people at the party then there is no such order to open the beer bottle. It is better to take the beer from the queue if there is any. Furthermore, if you want to open your bottle then it is okay to open it whenever you want in a large gathering where there is no specific order.
However, if the bottle is not yours then wait for the owner of the beer to open the bottle. When he/she opens it then you can pour some beer for you. Additionally, if the party is in an open ground and everyone is circulating his/her bottle to share then be good and take a respectful size.
5. Follow the rules
Every host set up different rules for his/her party. Some people ban the usage of smartphones to encourage interaction among different people. So, in such a case you must respect the host and try not to use your phone. Moreover, if you want to host a party then you can also set up different rules to make it fun