We continue our quest to beam a light down on all the amazing men and women in the craft beer industry. From owners, brewers, sales reps, beertenders and more. Today we single out Kolton Kenyon, a California native living and pouring brews at Bottlecraft Solana Beach (437 Hwy 101 Suite 107, Solana Beach, CA 92075)
How did you get your start in the beer industry?
I got a job at Pizza Port Solana Beach working in the kitchen. I had been interested in the craft beer industry prior and Pizza Port was a good segway into the industry. Jill Davidson actually got me set up working events/pouring beer at various local festivals and I was hooked from there on.
How did you get involved with Bottlecraft?
I worked for the beer bar that was in the location previously, San Diego Beerworks. When the owner decided to sell, Bottlecraft swooped in and transferred most of the staff over.
Favorite part about beertending? Least favorite?
Having a small intimate staff is awesome. We’re all friends and help each other out whenever anything comes up or we need a shift covered. Also, the regulars make the world go round. WAIT! ALSO DOGS. We have an amazing set of dog regulars, including Blue; a black Newfoundland, Barkley; a giant Bernese Mountain Dog, and many, many more.
My least favorite thing about working behind the bar would be dealing with the beer drains and the yeast poop (he didn’t say poop) that eventually pops out. It is GROSS.
Whats your go-to brew? Guilty pleasure brew?
My go-to would have to be Pizza Port’s Swamis IPA. A beer that never lets me down and that has a standing place in my fridge. My guilty pleasure beer, is Bud Light…at the San Diego Gulls games, during $2 Bud nights.
Favorite hang out a spot that’s not Bottlecraft?
Pizza Port Solana is my go-to. Having a few friends there is a big driving force, plus they say Josh Schaner makes some pretty great beer, he’s ok. I am a bit of a homebody but I do spend quite some time at the YMCA picking things up and putting them back down.
Is there anyone in particular that you look up to in the beer industry?
Jill Davidson! A woman who is simultaneously the kindest and hardest working person in the craft beer world! Also, she is the one who got me officially into the beer industry.
Favorite San Diego Breweries?!

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Pizza Port, obviously… which I have actually been frequenting since I was 6 years old playing little league for the Milwaukee Brewers. Toolbox Brewing Company in Vista is another favorite as I am a big fan of sour beers.