Being led into temptation has negative connotations. No one denies this. One could even describe its checkered history as snakebitten.
However, Surly would like to argue that it isn’t all bad.
For example, take Serpents in the Garden, their final BC Small Batch release of 2021. This imperial kettle sour mixes strawberry, black currants, lactose, and vanilla for a lush blend of sweet and tart. Each and every devilishly delicious sip provides a sinful amount of flavor.
Tempting? Yes. Will it deliver you from evil? Probably not. But it tastes damn good, and there’s no shame in that.
Serpents in the Garden is available to all U.S. Surly markets in November and December.
The particulars:
- Hops: Warrior, Sabro
- Malt: 2-Row, Unmalted Wheat, Acidulated Malt, Carafoam, Oats
- Yeast: English Ale
- Special guests: Strawberry, Black Currant, Vanilla, Lactose
- ABV: 9.4%
- Bitterness: Low
- Pour: Magenta