The Belmont Fermentorium in Portland is officially making beer! This ranks pretty high on our list of “holy shit, this is really happening” moments. Not only did we just crank out batches of Blazing World, Ice, and Orderville on the new system–which is running like a frickin’ dream–but we brewed our first collab at the new place, which happens to be our 3rd collaboration IPA with the lovely people at Great Notion Brewing.
We are both ultra-hyped to finally be brewing and extremely excited to see how these northern versions differ from our San Diego editions, given the new gear, the softer water, and the fact that we’re all wearing sweaters while brewing.
We’re also neck-deep in rad art, tasting room renovations, and delicious food, all of which will be on display when the Belmont Fermentorium opens to the public, which will be happening ridiculously soon. More info on the timeline will be arriving shortly. If you want all the up-to-the-minute details, we’d recommend following The Belmont Fermentorium on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter.