A long time ago in a beach town far, far away … A band of rebel brewers broke away from the IPA dominant Galactic Empire and formed an all-sour resistance. This Rebel Alliance, known as California Wild Ales, continues to produce Barrel-Aged, Funky Brews.
This May 4th California Wild Ales invites you to join them in celebrating all things Star Wars. They have assembled an interstellar lineup of Sour Beers featuring members of both The Rebel Alliance and The Dark Side.
Which side do you fight for? Both?
Rebel Alliance Lineup
Han SoLoQuat
May the Force Be With Yuzu
Padme Almondala
The Mangolorian
and imPEARial Stormtrooper… er, those are rebels dressed as stormtroopers?… uh, everything’s perfectly all right now. We’re fine. We’re all fine here, now, thank you.
The Dark Side
BanAnakin Skywalker
Darth Citrius
Emperor Pulpatine
Mango Fett
The Dark Side
Tuskin Raddler
For more information on these beers, visit: https://www.californiawildales.com/product-category/beer/star-wars/