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Marble Brewery and Meow Wolf Santa Fe “Day Ghost” Release Party July 1 2021

Marble Brewery and Meow Wolf Santa Fe “Day Ghost” Release Party July 1 2021

Marble Brewery and Meow Wolf Santa Fe collaboration “Day Ghost”, a Japanese style rice lager, will be released July 1st, 2021. Day Ghost will be available exclusively at Marble taprooms and Meow Wolf locations.

The known world slips away when Day Ghost is uploaded to your bodily machine. Clouds part, new realities bubble, and an inner vista is revealed. Psychically supervised by Meow Wolf, this Japanese-style rice lager has been configured to taste crisp and effervescent, while maintaining multiple dimensions of flavors.
For Las Vegas craft beer fans, the Meow Wolf Las Vegas location in Area 15 will have “Day Ghost” 19.2 oz cans available. 
The release party will be held at Marble Brewing, 111 Marble Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, from 5pm – 8pm PDT with live music by Day Trippers and Sun Sounds.  There will also be giveaways and special features from creatures of The House of Eternal Return.
Party starts at 5pm, Day Ghost is available to purchase at 11am.
marble meow wolf day ghost canning |

For more information about Marble Brewing, visit:
For more information about Meow Wolf, visit:
Terry Bunch

Co founder of and Editor/Owner of

Untappd: metallife

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