Ska Brewing Cru D’Etat is now available at the brewery World Headquarters, and hitting the company’s twelve-state distribution footprint next week.
A Belgian specialty ale, Cru d’Etat has a sweet, rum-like flavor that weighs in at 11.5% ABV. This tart and complex ale has aged in an old wine foeder for nearly two years, creating flavors of caramel and raisins with a hint of alcohol heat. This concoction will have you going wild in the streets.
Ska releases Cru D’Etat every two years in rotation with Ska Face Barleywine-style Ale that comes out every other year. Grab one of the 500ml bottles while it lasts.
Based in Durango, Colorado, Ska Brewing was founded in 1995 and produces more than a dozen award-winning beers fueled with Ska music, and lots of it. Pioneers in the canned craft beer movement, Ska Brewing is known for an array of styles in 12 oz cans that include Mexican Logger, Modus Hoperandi, and Rue B. Soho. For information (a lot of it), more music, and a good time, visit www.skabrewing.com.