It’s August. And that means it’s hot. Maybe not as hot as Hell but it sure seems like it some days.
New Braunfels took a Hellish approach to making PKL FKR this month and threw a bunch of spicy peppers in during fermentation. New Braunfels also partnered up with the kids at Off-Rhodes to bring you PKL FKR in cans. They cut up 20lbs of green jalapeños and 2 lbs of red for a special weekend full of spice and sunshine.
PKL FKR is the pickle juice sour wheat beer that New Braunfels brewed as a joke back in 2015. Now that joke’s on them as its been 60-70% of what leaves their little brewery each week.
New Braunfels experimented with aging PKL FKR on various peppers and they found that a balanced heat and spice actually improves the beer overall. It makes it more drinkable, crushable and badassable (this is new human word we learned).
RSVP on the Facebook Event Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/653754821773092/
Currently on tap at the brewery are:
HellYeah green made with green jalapeños
HellYeah Rojo made with red jalapanos
MNDFCK made with dried mild hatch chilis
PKL FKR–the original and still King
Flights of all 4 are $10. 11oz pours of PKL are $5 and 6.75 for the spicy versions.
New Braunfels also put together 70 mixed 4-packs of these 4 beers so if you can’t make it in, you can drink it at home. These are $13 or $64/case. Need it shipped? Sure, just purchase in their online store.