Before empires and royalties, before writing and weapons, there was cheese.
According to historians, the manufacture of cheese began in 7000 BC, a legacy almost as old as our civilization. Today, approximately 22 billion kilograms of cheese are produced each year, distributed and consumed in every corner of the planet.
Even with all this history, it’s still difficult to find good information about cheese. Many of us walk up and down the supermarket aisle staring at the vast variety of cheeses, struggling to figure out which one to buy.
To solve this, a Brazilian developer decided to create Le Cheese, which is a mobile app that gathers information about more than 1,800 cheeses from around the world. In the app, you can know the history, origin, and flavor of each cheese. In addition, it is possible to add a new cheese to the database, rate the cheeses you have already tried, and include a cheese to your wish list.
“Our mission is to catalog all the cheeses that exist in the world. This is something that has never been done before, but I am sure that together it is possible,” says Zeno Rocha, founder of Le Cheese.
The love for cheeses began early in the life of Zeno, who, as a child, already appreciated the cheeses that his grandfather brought from the countryside of Brazil. Over time, he pursued a career as a software developer but has never left his passion for cheeses aside.
A few months ago, Zeno and his wife began visiting a cheese shop near their home in Los Angeles, California. The constant curiosity to try out new flavors and the doubt about which type was the best motivated the creation of Le Cheese.
“When it comes to choosing the best cheese to buy in the middle of many options, we are always in doubt and often do not make the right decision,” adds Zeno.
With the ability to search and see recommendations from other users of the app, you can make a more informed decision. Whether you’re an expert or just like cheese, be sure to check out this delicious app.
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/le-cheese/id1449930676
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lecheese.app
[Editor’s Note: Next time you are interested in pairing some cheese with beer, this app can help with its detailed descriptions of the cheeses.]