Lagunitas Brewing Company
Lagunitas Sucks
ABV: 7.85%
It pours a clear golden with a nice head with sticky white lacing. The hop presence is nice with some tropical fruits (grapefruit and pineapple) , citrus and pine from the hops, the mix of grains and malts brings a cool west coast style taste to this beer.
The beer itself smells like fruit and hops, mostly spicy hops. The taste is malt forward but balanced by the hops, and the citrus hops come out in a bitter ending. The mouthfeel is even, nicely carbonated, but finishes with a bitter aftertaste.
The smell is balanced nicely with the flavor profile offering moderate strength and well-balanced with hops and malts competing for attention. There are also notes of citrus (orange and grapefruit), floral hops, tropical fruit, and resinous pine on the nose as well which again ties back to the flavor as well.