Yakima Chief Hops (YCH), a 100% farmer-owned global hop supplier, is pleased to announce the pre-sale of their 5th Annual Pink Boots Blend in partnership with Pink Boots Society (PBS). PBS is an international nonprofit with a mission to assist, inspire, and encourage women in the fermented and alcoholic beverage industry.
The Pink Boots Blend is an annual hop blend and part of YCH’s pursuit of promoting inclusivity in the industry. Each year, women in the beer profession across the globe collaborate with YCH on a new blend recipe through an extensive virtual selection process. This year, the selection included women from 37 different PBS chapters across five different countries.
The blend is then released for presale to commercial brewers and a portion of the sales proceeds are contributed to the PBS scholarship fund. This helps provide educational opportunities to women in the industry with the goal of assisting with career advancement and leadership skills. To date, more than $381,000 has been contributed.
This year, YCH and PBS have reached an important milestone with the 5th anniversary of the Pink Boots Blend, which will reach brew kettles worldwide in early 2022. This occasion is made even more special with the upcoming 15th anniversary of the Pink Boots Society next year. In celebration, they have set a goal of selling 50,000 pounds and reaching an overall total blend contribution of $500,000.
The deadline to order is Dec. 15, allowing time to ship and brew by International Women’s Day on March 8 when PBS hosts their Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day. Brewers are encouraged to register their Pink Boots Blend brew day and join the global movement in the craft beer community. Visit www.yakimachief.com/commercial/hop-wire/5th-annual-pink-boots-blend to learn more and pinkbootssociety.org for brew day registration.