Beer Alien


Weihenstephan To Launch Cans In US Market 2021

Weihenstephan To Launch Cans In US Market 2021

Weihenstephan the World’s Oldest Brewery is excited to announce that it will be launching cans in the United States through importer, Total Beverage Solution in 2021.  Weihenstephaner’s flagship Hefeweissbier as well as a brand new lager, Weihenstephaner Helles, will be available in cans beginning in January 2021.  The cans feature a fresh new design which…

LAST CALL: December 1 Day of Action Planned to Urge Congressional Passage of Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act Before Year-End Deadline

LAST CALL: December 1 Day of Action Planned to Urge Congressional Passage of Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act Before Year-End Deadline

Leaders in the beverage alcohol sector are urging industry advocates across the nation to participate in a national Day of Action on December 1 by contacting their members of Congress to urge passage of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act, S.362/H.R. 1175 (CBMTRA). “With less than four weeks remaining before the current tax rates…

Extend Robotics Ltd., launches “R:O:B:” – a Virtual Reality-controlled ‘robotically optimised bartender’

Extend Robotics Ltd., launches “R:O:B:” – a Virtual Reality-controlled ‘robotically optimised bartender’

Extend Robotics Ltd., a UK-based innovator in general-purpose teleoperated robotics, announces the first successful trial of its virtual reality (VR) controlled cybernetic bartender, nicknamed “R:O:B:” (robotically optimised bartender). “R:O:B:” features a remarkable human-like dexterity and is fully capable of ‘virtually’ pulling a real pint! The Extend Robotics’ Robot Toolkit features real-time, immersive and intuitive control using the latest VR… The Premier Online Job Hub for Cider Professionals Goes Live
CiderFeatured The Premier Online Job Hub for Cider Professionals Goes Live

“Cider Professionals Crafted Here” is the tagline of, a newly launched cider industry specific job hub and marketplace. This summer, the American Cider Association (ACA), the Cider Institute of North America (CINA), and Fermentability Consulting launched the website as a collaborative platform to attract and retain talent in the cider industry. The goal of is to help cideries get more…