Brewer’s Pale Ale (Nelson Hop Blend) by Anchor Brewing Company
5.3% ABV
Brewers’ Pale Ale is a bright and fruity American Pale Ale bursting with hop aroma and flavor. Its appearance is straw colored with a creamy, white head and nice lacing. The ale has aromas of grapefruit, passion fruit, citrus peels and dank piney hops. It’s a crisp and quaffable Pale Ale packed with complex hop flavor, finishing fairly dry with a nice balanced drinkability. Brewers’ Pale Ale, isn’t just another beer—it’s a beer that’s brewed by brewers, for brewers. And now, we’re proud to share it with our beer community. Cheers!
Pours straw golden with a surprising cloudiness to it. Pours slightly hazy deep golden amber color with a 1-2 finger fairly dense and rocky white head with great retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass. The smell has citrus rind nose with spicy undertones of earthy hop, maybe rye, and dried orange peel. Subtle notes of wheat, caramel, and lots of bread crust. The hop profile is sweet with earthy hops up front and notes of juicy citrus, orange zest, sweet banana, followed by grainy oatmeal and spicy bread crust/rye.
Medium-light body, chewy carbonation with a smooth and fairly thick mouthfeel. Bitterness/spiciness is sharp at times, but works overall with the sweeter malt flavors.
A thick and spicy pale ale with interesting bread crust malt flavors balanced by fruity/earthy hops.
All around nice complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/earthy hops and bready malt flavors; very smooth, crisp, and refreshing to drink with the modestly bitter/drying finish, never aggressive. This has a very balanced fruity/earthy hop complexity and pale/wheat malt backbone. A very enjoyable offering, and spot on style example.