BrewDog has a history of making protest beers. From Hello My Name Is Vladimir to Make Earth Great Again, they have often taken a stand, in fermented form, on an issue they feel passionate about.
The problem, however, is that politics has become too crazy even for BrewDog protest beers. This means they cannot ferment beers and design labels quick enough to keep up with the chaos.
In an attempt to keep up, BrewDog decided to launch a new beer, a 5.2% hazy IPA, called Hello My Name Is (Unelected) Boris. A liquid protest against the second consecutive un-elected leader in the UK at such an uncertain and perilous chapter in the nation’s history. A beer to defend UK citizen’s right to democratically elect their leader.
And the aforementioned leader decided to shut down parliament, and the UK democracy, for the most pivotal 5 weeks of their generation. So, BrewDog decided to invite all MPs to drink this beer in the BrewDog bars for free and to give them somewhere to go (they also have hot desking spaces!) whilst their place of work, UK parliament, was bizarrely closed. A way to keep them busy while democracy is out of action, no expenses necessary.
And now it looks like the UK is careering towards a snap general election.
BrewDog doesn’t really know what is going on anymore or what is next for UK politics.
And both points that this beer was trying to make are now old news. But it is still a great beer that BrewDog wants people to enjoy and whatever is next for the UK, drinking great craft beer might just get them through it.
Hello My Name Is (Unelected) Boris launched online and in all UK BrewDog bars 5th September 2019. With a free beer in BrewDog bars for any member of parliament. No matter what is going on in the world, BrewDog is going to continue to bring great craft beer to the confused British people (and everyone else).
And if the anticipated general election arrives, BrewDog will, of course, be running Vote For Punk again where BrewDog will be giving anyone who votes (regardless of your political persuasion) a free Punk IPA on them to toast your democratic contribution.