As we see many of you humans preparing for March 17th, aka St Patrick’s Day, we have been noticing a strange thing. We see most of the celebration announcements spelled St. PADDY’s Day, however there are some spelled St. PATTY’s Day. This, of course confused us aliens.
We decided to see what the difference was. Were there two different celebrations on March 17th for two different saints? After some quick research, the answer is no. It appears that some humans mistakenly abbreviate Patrick to PATTY (we guess it is because PaTrick has a T?) when it should be PADDY, which is the correct Irish nickname (short version) of Patrick. The Irish name Patrick comes from PáDraig, hence the custom to shorten it to PADDY instead of PATTY.
Tullamore DEW Irish Whiskey recently launched a campaign about using the spelling PADDY. We wrote about that HERE.
Despite the celebration being spelled one way or the other, there is an even greater travesty going on at these March 17th celebrations…. green beer. Not a cool, brewed with the right ingredients green, but cheap yellow beer dyed green. Actually that is two travesties, cheap beer and green dye, haha.
We hope all of you humans stay safe out there while celebrating St. PADDY’s Day, even if you consume the weird green beer.
The History Channel has an informative website about St Patrick’s Day, if you want to learn more about why you are drinking that green beer in the first place: