Building an independent American craft brewery… in Germany. How tough could that be?
Follow the story of an entrepreneur’s dream for Stone to become the first independent American craft brewer to build, own and operate a brewery in Europe… in Berlin, Germany no less. Join Stone Brewing co-founder Greg Koch and documentary filmmaker Matt Sweetwood for the showing as well as a Q&A session following the film.
Wednesday, April 24
6:30 p.m.
Bow Tie Movieland
1301 N. Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23230
Pre-mixer: 6:30 p.m.
Screening: 7:30 p.m. with Q&A to follow
After Party: River City Roll (within walking distance)
Join Greg and team for exclusive Berlin-brewed beers. Enjoy a special live music performance by Hambone Relay out of Philly.
After party admission is included in the price of the film screening ticket.