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Help Choose the 2022 DC Brau Pride Pils Can Design

Help Choose the 2022 DC Brau Pride Pils Can Design

Pride is back and it is time for you to help us choose the 2022 Pride Pils can design. This year DC Brau, DC’s original craft brewery, has partnered with local artist Chord Bezzera of District Co-Op to design this year’s Pride Pils. Chord has designed two distinct cans for the public to choose from.

Restaurants, bars and retailers will be selling the specially branded DC Brau Pride Pils cans for the fifth year with 100% of the proceeds going to benefit SMYAL and The Blade Foundation. Since 2017, DC Brau has donated a total of $42,083.92 and sold over 81,576 cans through the Pride Pils program. This year the can labels have been generously donated by Blue Label Packaging Company.

The public can vote below at through March 31st. The winning design will be unveiled in June and will be available across the city for purchase during DC Pride.

Design 1 – Pride Pilsner

BRA001 Die Concept 1 01 1536x687 1 |

Design 1 was inspired by the 1970s, a transformational decade for LGBTQ+ culture that saw the rise of activism and the establishment of Pride Week. This design reflects the vibrant optimism and that freedom of thought that is still needed today.

Design 2 – Proud to Say Gay Pilsner

BRA001 Die Concept 2 01 1536x687 1 |

Design 2 is in direct response to the passage of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which limits what classrooms can teach about sexual orientation and gender identity thereby disenfranchising vulnerable youth. This design seeks to counter the bill’s harmful message and celebrate Pride across the LGBTQ+ community.


Raymond Melendez is a multi-talented aficionado of all things entertainment. As the force behind, MovieFloss, and BeerAlien, he dives into the worlds of heavy metal, film, and craft beer with equal enthusiasm. With his finger on the pulse of these industries, Raymond shares his insights, reviews, and discoveries, making him a go-to source for fans and enthusiasts alike.

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